Monday, January 25, 2010

Flickr Photo

So this is where chihuahuas come from? Too bad it's not true. I've personally had to deliver 4 litters of chihuahua puppies. One was not breathing and I had to suction and stimulate him in order to get him breathing. I'm happy to report that he made it and is now snoozing happily on the sofa as I pen these words.

I enjoyed looking at Flickr and learning all of the terms. I can't wait to get started with my own photo collection. I think this is much more fun than scrapbooking; and it's free!


  1. I love your car. Can I have one for Christmas? I like dogs too.

  2. Awesome photo! You look great - and the cars are pretty good-looking too!

  3. love the doggie pic - it's really sweet!
